So we got Dallas on Thursday & although crate training has practically broke my heart (hearing him whine but trying to hold out on letting him out) he has been improving. He has been quieting down when we say "shhh" & has been falling asleep after only 5 minutes or so of whining. I took several individuals ideas and bought him a big fluffy teddy bear as a "crate buddy" which he slept on the first night it was in his crate (Sunday). Last night…was the worst & it seems like a giant step backwards
I took him out to potty (he peed & pooped) then put him in his crate as I have done every night since we brought him home. Instead of quieting down when we said "shhh" it seemed he got louder. Normally at night his whines are kind of quiet but last night they were screams. He sounded like he was being murdered or something! :eek: After 5 minutes I decided to take him outside again to be sure he didn't have to go potty again. After 10 minutes outside & him just basically sitting in the grass & running under my feet, I put him back in the crate. Same problem, even worse if possible. He just did not want to be in that darn thing & was making it verbally known to both mommy & daddy.
Finally by 12:30 (35 minutes of whining & loud screaming) my boyfriend couldn't take it & said to put him on the bed. I did & he was immediately quiet. After maybe 10 minutes he fell asleep & I gently put him back in the crate. Hah. He woke up in the process and went ballistic again!
He obviously ended up sleeping in bed with us because by then it was 1 AM & I wake up around 6:10 AM for work. I took him out around 4 AM when he began walking around the bed & he peed then fell asleep again. I took him out again at 6:15 AM & immediately put him in the crate afterwards since I know Mark is too heavy of a sleeper to wake up if he hears Dallas shredding something in the bedroom, or hopping off the bed, etc. He whined & whined & whined the entire 30 minutes I was getting ready for work, whether he could see me or not. I left for work with him eating a cookie in his crate but I guarantee that once finished he continued to whine.
What am I doing wrong?!?! I tried covering the crate with a blanket on all sides, didn't work. I tried covering all but the one facing us, that didn't work. I tried warming up his crate buddy (thinking he was maybe cold) but that didn't work either. :mad: Please for my sanity & my sleep, can anyone recommend something else? Is it normal for them to backtrack after doing so well at night in the crate? This was worse night by far, way worse than even his first night with us. HELPPPP!