• Hello . Are basenji's easy to house train ?

  • Depends.. you must be consistent in your training… have you talked to your breeder?

  • umm nope. I live in kingston. and im goin to widsor to go check them out the litter is in jan. and there ready to go during the march break

  • Hahahahaha.
    Sorry I had to laugh…
    Training a senji....they train us instead 🙂
    Before we decided on getting a B, we didin't want a dog on our couch...well...that never happened. Now we have to scoot our little guy over just so we can sit down 🙂
    Would I change it...NOPE!
    I agree with Pat. Constant training and don't ever look away for one minute or else your little basenji might be up to something.

  • I remember reading years back that out of the top 100 dog breeds, basenjis rank 99th in terms of "trainability". #100 was borzois. 😃

  • alrighty thanx for the tips 😃 i need as much help as possiable !

  • @elena86:

    I remember reading years back that out of the top 100 dog breeds, basenjis rank 99th in terms of "trainability". #100 was borzois. 😃


  • I don't believe that statement b/c Sahara trained pretty easy. She is getting better about going to potty in the rain, and when it is soooooooo cold outside. I also read that you will never teach a B to fetch, Wrong! Sahara loves, loves to play fetch, and she brings it back and puts it in my hand. I can ask her where her Quack, Quack is and she will start looking for her stuffed duck, which she loves, and before long she is bringing it to me. Smart Dog! Now, she however, will NOT stop jumping up to stop me from leaving the house, and she loves to surf my tables.

  • @elena86:

    I remember reading years back that out of the top 100 dog breeds, basenjis rank 99th in terms of "trainability". #100 was borzois. 😃

    It was Afgans that were last.. but Borzois would be low too, because Hounds are thinking dogs… and therefore there needs to be a reason to "train"

  • @porsh:

    umm nope. I live in kingston. and im goin to widsor to go check them out the litter is in jan. and there ready to go during the march break

    Who is the breeder?…. and have you checked out the health on the litter they are breeding? Have they done Fanconi DNA testing? If you go to the Basenji Club of America web site www.basenji.org there is a link "Is a Basenji for Me?" and there too you will find a link to "how to find a breeder" (as in a responsible breeder). Also you should learn about the heath concerns in our breed so you can discuss all this with your breeder.

  • @youngandtired:

    I don't believe that statement b/c Sahara trained pretty easy. She is getting better about going to potty in the rain, and when it is soooooooo cold outside. I also read that you will never teach a B to fetch, Wrong! Sahara loves, loves to play fetch, and she brings it back and puts it in my hand. I can ask her where her Quack, Quack is and she will start looking for her stuffed duck, which she loves, and before long she is bringing it to me. Smart Dog! Now, she however, will NOT stop jumping up to stop me from leaving the house, and she loves to surf my tables.

    I think it depends on the dog. Jazzy is easy:D , Keoki is not at all:p .
    Jazz housetrained fairly easily, Keoki took a while {some may remember my frustrated posts about the long trails of urine from room to room?:mad: }

    Both, however, trained very easily to not get on the furniture. 🙂

  • @elena86:

    I remember reading years back that out of the top 100 dog breeds, basenjis rank 99th in terms of "trainability". #100 was borzois. 😃

    The learning portion is easy…very smart dogs, listening is another story. Those big ears turn off when there's no reward:D


  • @tanza:

    Who is the breeder?…. and have you checked out the health on the litter they are breeding? Have they done Fanconi DNA testing? If you go to the Basenji Club of America web site www.basenji.org there is a link "Is a Basenji for Me?" and there too you will find a link to "how to find a breeder" (as in a responsible breeder). Also you should learn about the heath concerns in our breed so you can discuss all this with your breeder.

    No i haven't talked to the breeder about that were planning on going down and checking them out. Im from Kingston, and she live in Windsor.

    Thanks 🙂

  • Oh sure basenjis are difficult to train – but not if you're training them to do something they want to do in the first place! It took only a couple of attempts to get my EL D to stop and hold up his paws to get the snow/mud wiped off when he comes in the house but get him to fetch anything - no way. 🙂 My previous basenji taught himself how to get the sliding screen door open and it was just a couple of weeks worth to teach him how to open it from the inside! It really just depends.

  • @wizard:

    Oh sure basenjis are difficult to train – but not if you're training them to do something they want to do in the first place! It took only a couple of attempts to get my EL D to stop and hold up his paws to get the snow/mud wiped off when he comes in the house but get him to fetch anything - no way. 🙂 My previous basenji taught himself how to get the sliding screen door open and it was just a couple of weeks worth to teach him how to open it from the inside! It really just depends.

    ooo okay.. well are they easy to train for obedience ??
    like the basics. sit, stay, come, heel, off, (stop jumping), walk on a leash, down. and maybe flyball and or agility? ?

  • @Nexa:

    The learning portion is easy…very smart dogs, listening is another story. Those big ears turn off when there's no reward:D


    oo okay ahha obviously there will be a reward 🙂

  • Housetraining is one thing. PEOPLE training is another. :p

    Better get everyone in your house started now on remembering to SHUT THE BATHROOM DOOR! :eek:

    And, PROTECT THE LAUNDRY HAMPER:D Actually, protect the laundry. Doesn't matter much if it's clean or dirty. Socks and underwear are favorite targets, but sweaters and bathrobes are great fun also.

    And, make sure your trash containers are in "safe" locations. Just because it has a lid, doesn't make it safe!:mad:

    These dogs sleep A LOT, but when they are not sleeping, they are BUSY!!!!!

  • @porsh:

    ooo okay.. well are they easy to train for obedience ??
    like the basics. sit, stay, come, heel, off, (stop jumping), walk on a leash, down. and maybe flyball and or agility? ?

    I haven't tried agility or flyball. I think agility may be easier than flyball, since Basenjis tend to chase what it thrown and run with it,LOL.

    Basic obedience can be pretty easy, except that whole "walk on leash" thing.
    The whole concept otally escapes a lot of them. :rolleyes:
    Neither of mine mind being attached to me by a leash,but it's hard to get them to not pull. I gave up, but many here have had success.

  • @porsh:

    ooo okay.. well are they easy to train for obedience ??
    like the basics. sit, stay, come, heel, off, (stop jumping), walk on a leash, down. and maybe flyball and or agility? ?

    NO they are not… easy.. it is hard work with a Basenji and the minute that you think they "got it" they will do the exact opposite... Not to say that it can't be done, but it is a big challenge... period.... there are many that do OB, Rally, Agility.. but in the end with a Basenji it is a lesson in humility...

  • @porsh:

    ooo okay.. well are they easy to train for obedience ??
    like the basics. sit, stay, come, heel, off, (stop jumping), walk on a leash, down. and maybe flyball and or agility? ?

    Based on my own lil' bundle of joy:

    Sit - If you have a treat, yes. If not, she'll think about it.

    Stay - Heck no…they want to see what you're up to. The only time she's ever listened on this one is if she can sense I'm angry or serious.

    Come - Usually they're already there.

    Heel - She-Ra's fairly good at this, but if she sees something in the distance,
    forget about it and get ready to RUN! You can try a Gentle Lead but she absolutely hated hers and ate it when I wasn't looking! 🙂

    Off - Depends on who it is. Me or my father-in-law she's all over when we come in the door. Other people she'll just baroo at for a while.

    Walk on a Leash - Does a great job and knows the leash means a walk is in the immediate future. You have to watch the pulling and also the occasional zig-zag in front of you (both are no-no's when training).

    Down - Again, if you have a treat

    As has been said, Basenji's are very smart...almost too smart...and that works against them (and you) where training is concerned. They will attempt to out-think you, they love to test your limits and "play games" with you (a big one at our house is "I have to go outside to pee!" so you get to the door and then she'll walk away "Haha...just wanted to see if you'd get up!"), and obedience is kind of an after-thought. You really have to be on your toes.

    Potty training wasn't too difficult for us. We lay out pee-pads near the back door where we let her out so if we're not there she has a place to go...and she uses them.

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