Naming my litter. questions!!?!?

  • Hello!

    so as you all may have heard, i am planning a litter with my canadian CH bitch miah and the grogeous brindle boy dorsey. I was just curious as i want to do a litter theme for this first official litter.

    My idea is using band names for their registration names however i am curious as to if this is illegal or not. Ex: Prairieland's A Day To Remember. A day to remember is a band that i like to listen to. there are several other bands that would make great registered names but i am curious as to if i can use them or if i am going to be sued it i did. Does anyone know this? Has anyone used a band's name or another possible trademarked name?

    Please let me know. Thanks!

  • All my keepers are named for Terry Pratchett novel titles. There are many song themed litters.

  • @lvoss:

    All my keepers are named for Terry Pratchett novel titles. There are many song themed litters.

    but im sure the song and the band that sings them are totally different. arent they? thanks for posting! I appreciate it! 😃

  • I don't think it would be a problem. Something tells me they would be flattered rather than upset…or at least we think so, hee-hee! Our litter from last year was all song titles - Zepp is Illusion's Stairway to Heaven, his siblings are "Smoke on the Water" "Ruby Tuesday" "Dream On" and "Chantilly Lace" - classic rock and roll songs since their sire was named after a Bruce Springsteen song (Born in the USA) and the dam a Buddy Holly song (True Love Ways)


  • Not really. Many bands pick their names from movies, books, and other pop culture references. A Day To Remember is a 1953 movie, a children's book title, as well as a band.

  • My boy Ozzy is Timar-Eldorado's Black Sabbath. I'm quite sure if I sent Ozzy's photo to the Osbournes, they would love it that he was named after Ozzy - especially considering how much they love their animals! In fact, personality wise, he is very much like Ozzy (from everything I've ever heard about him) - sweet & lovable.

  • @lvoss:

    Not really. Many bands pick their names from movies, books, and other pop culture references. A Day To Remember is a 1953 movie, a children's book title, as well as a band.

    Thank you all for the posts. Like i said the song TITLES are different than the actual band's names. but THIS quote was very helpful. I didnt know it was a book or a movie. so that is cool.

    Here were some of my ideas with ex. names:

    Prairieland's A Day to remember–-Remy

    Prairieland's Just Surrender ---Suri

    Prairieland's A Skylit Drive ---Sky

    Prairieland's Pierce the Veil ---Pierce

    Prairieland's Drop Dead Gorgeous ---George lol

    Prairieland's I am Underoath ---Oatie

    Prairieland's I See Stars --- Starry

    Prairieland's Escape the Fate ---Faith

    Just some ideas. So you all think it wouldnt be a big deal that i use them??

  • Don't worry about it. You are far from the first to name their dogs after song titles or band names.

  • First Basenji's

    I am so surprised by the music you listen to. It is a reflection of my teenage years. I'm in my 20's now but still it was a shock because most people don't even know who Underoath is when I talk to them about how i was crowd surfing at a Bamboozle concert maybe it was Warped Tour, pretty much the same thing. I saw A Day to Remember when they first came out but they were sooooo bad then at least live they were.. anyway very creative gotta say!

  • They look like good names to me. I don't see why you would have a problem with any of them.

  • @vickayx:

    I am so surprised by the music you listen to. It is a reflection of my teenage years. I'm in my 20's now but still it was a shock because most people don't even know who Underoath is when I talk to them about how i was crowd surfing at a Bamboozle concert maybe it was Warped Tour, pretty much the same thing. I saw A Day to Remember when they first came out but they were sooooo bad then at least live they were.. anyway very creative gotta say!

    HAH! I was at the warped tour too!! In Shakopee, MN is the one i went to 🙂 I didnt get to see a day to remember because i think a sky lit drive or someone i liked more was playing. but i like their music, except they are @$$holes in person. tried to talk to them and couldnt. They were jerks at their selling stand thing too. The other bands were freaking AWESOME! Like A Skylit drive was soooo nice, so was I set my friends on fire, Motionless in white were really nice, and so was attack attack and asking alexandria. Love them all, Great bands! THATS AWESOME you like them too! lol You dont hear many people who like those kinds of bands, because they are out of the ordinary for "normal" people. lol

    but thanks! I appreciate you saying they are creative! I was SOOO ESTATIC when i thought of the idea. i told my boyfriend –who also loves these bands and got me into them-- and hes like id be careful, you may get sued. and then i got worried and scared and my idea was less awesome because of the fact. lol but with all the encouragement i think ill do it then because if others have used it, it shouldnt be a big deal.

  • @YodelDogs:

    They look like good names to me. I don't see why you would have a problem with any of them.

    Thanks Robyn! I appreciate your input. I hope everyone is right, because i am super excited about using the names, they sound awesome to me (personally knowing what its all about) Thanks again everyone!

  • First Basenji's

    I am sorry but I just have to ask this question "why do you want to breed?" It is just that there are sooooo many dogs everywhere. On this forum for example, there are always basenji's having to be re-homed for many reason: lost jobs in this economy, USA and Canada…., non-responsibility in one form or another, more puppies, it is just a vicious cycle. I assist a dog rescue and there are more dogs than homes or fosters everywhere. I went to a shelter (pound) to evaluate a companion for one of my previous clients and was saddened beyond tears. Two and three dogs laying next to another with a pile of feces on the floor............Go to any BRAT link or Basenji Rescue and you will see dogs available. I will stop here and wait for your answer....PS this is not meant to stir up anything, just curious as to the WHY?

  • First Basenji's

    Well i guess some ppl don't think Basenji's are "normal" so it only makes sense to like the unusual loll

  • I think there are lots of reason that people want to breed a litter… right or wrong... but people interested in breeding do need to ask the hard questions... Why?.. What do I hope to help improve the breed? Am I ready for the cost involved? Am I ready to take responsibilty for any/all pups that I produce?... Do I know enough about the breed to be able to educate people before they purchase a pup? Am I willing to tell people "sorry this is not the breed for you"..... Not every Basenji should be bred... and there are many responsible breeders that take this to heart... on the other hand, others do not.... Do you have a reservation list? One that is thinking of breeding should at least have a couple of homes lined up that have been screened and look to be good Basenji homes.

  • @Buddys:

    I am sorry but I just have to ask this question "why do you want to breed?"

    I know this wasn't directed at me but as a breeder, I would like to answer it. I love the entire process of researching pedigrees and looking at the ancestry through photos or hands-on evaluations of the dogs involved. I love trying to determine which conformational faults and virtues as well as health concerns are likely to be passed along. I love being there for the whelping and helping each little one into this world. I spend countless hours just watching and holding pups. I love to watch every bit of growth, physically and mentally. These changes can happen so fast that if you blink you can miss them. I love seeing the little blobs grow into puppies who look just as I expected them too. I love the new families who get them. They become part of my extended family and many have kept in contact for the lifetime of their dog. I love getting pictures and stories. It gives me such a warm feeling inside knowing just how happy I made a family by bringing that puppy into the world. These are just some of the reasons that I am a breeder.

    It is just that there are sooooo many dogs everywhere. On this forum for example, there are always basenji's having to be re-homed for many reason: lost jobs in this economy, USA and Canada.

    You are correct. The economy has taken quite a toll on people. Quality homes have became a bit more difficult to find over the past few years so breeders need to make sure that they can keep litters however long it takes to get them into the right homes.

    I assist a dog rescue and there are more dogs than homes or fosters everywhere.

    Go to any BRAT link or Basenji Rescue and you will see dogs available.

    I have been a breeder for 20 years and also spent 10 years doing Basenji rescue. While there will always be a need for rescue, there will also be a need for responsible breeders. Why? First of all, if responsible breeders suddenly stopped breeding, breeds would disappear. Disreputable sources will continue to crank out poorly bred pups who, after a few generations, would start to turn into generic dogs. Secondly, it is extremely uncommon for the dogs in rescue to have originated from responsible breeders. If a dog does "slip through the cracks" and lands in rescue, then a responsible breeder will do whatever they can to take responsibility for that dog thus removing or reducing the strain on rescue groups. And, this not directed at anyone specific but is rather a general comment, everyone doesn't want a rescue. I know that it is "trendy" right now for people to own rescues. Potential pet owners are shunned for wanting to go to a breeder instead of "saving a life". This is wrong. No one should be made to feel guilty about it. And let's face it, a dog that is in a good rescue group or foster home is in no danger of being killed so you aren't saving it from anything. (Animals in shelters are a different story. You are saving a life if you adopt from a kill shelter.)

    I think what I am trying to say is that if a person finds a good match for them in a rescue or shelter then I think they should adopt it. If they do not find a match or choose to go to a responsible breeder instead, then that's what they should do. ALL of the dogs/puppies need homes and they need to find the right dog for THEM no matter where it comes from.

  • Well said, Robyn.

  • First Basenji's

    I agree, well said Robyn. A very well rounded reply, and I appreciate your time in explaining the options that are out there. I am not one who advocates adopting ONLY from a shelter or rescue. I love to hear that it happens, but totally respect the choice of wanting a pedigree. I just hope that anyone who breeds for what ever reason does follow responsible guidelines for the prospective new owners, health and welfare of the puppies, dams and sires, and of the wholesomeness(?) of the breed of choice.

  • @tanza:

    I think there are lots of reason that people want to breed a litter… right or wrong... but people interested in breeding do need to ask the hard questions... Why?.. What do I hope to help improve the breed? Am I ready for the cost involved? Am I ready to take responsibilty for any/all pups that I produce?... Do I know enough about the breed to be able to educate people before they purchase a pup? Am I willing to tell people "sorry this is not the breed for you"..... Not every Basenji should be bred... and there are many responsible breeders that take this to heart... on the other hand, others do not.... Do you have a reservation list? One that is thinking of breeding should at least have a couple of homes lined up that have been screened and look to be good Basenji homes.

    I do. I have a waiting list. Have a couple people already line up for homes. 6 people so far. Probably will be more but that is a good waiting list since i want to keep a puppy back and my co owner wants to keep a puppy also.

  • @YodelDogs:

    I know this wasn't directed at me but as a breeder, I would like to answer it. I love the entire process of researching pedigrees and looking at the ancestry through photos or hands-on evaluations of the dogs involved. I love trying to determine which conformational faults and virtues as well as health concerns are likely to be passed along. I love being there for the whelping and helping each little one into this world. I spend countless hours just watching and holding pups. I love to watch every bit of growth, physically and mentally. These changes can happen so fast that if you blink you can miss them. I love seeing the little blobs grow into puppies who look just as I expected them too. I love the new families who get them. They become part of my extended family and many have kept in contact for the lifetime of their dog. I love getting pictures and stories. It gives me such a warm feeling inside knowing just how happy I made a family by bringing that puppy into the world. These are just some of the reasons that I am a breeder.

    You are correct. The economy has taken quite a toll on people. Quality homes have became a bit more difficult to find over the past few years so breeders need to make sure that they can keep litters however long it takes to get them into the right homes.

    I have been a breeder for 20 years and also spent 10 years doing Basenji rescue. While there will always be a need for rescue, there will also be a need for responsible breeders. Why? First of all, if responsible breeders suddenly stopped breeding, breeds would disappear. Disreputable sources will continue to crank out poorly bred pups who, after a few generations, would start to turn into generic dogs. Secondly, it is extremely uncommon for the dogs in rescue to have originated from responsible breeders. If a dog does "slip through the cracks" and lands in rescue, then a responsible breeder will do whatever they can to take responsibility for that dog thus removing or reducing the strain on rescue groups. And, this not directed at anyone specific but is rather a general comment, everyone doesn't want a rescue. I know that it is "trendy" right now for people to own rescues. Potential pet owners are shunned for wanting to go to a breeder instead of "saving a life". This is wrong. No one should be made to feel guilty about it. And let's face it, a dog that is in a good rescue group or foster home is in no danger of being killed so you aren't saving it from anything. (Animals in shelters are a different story. You are saving a life if you adopt from a kill shelter.)

    I think what I am trying to say is that if a person finds a good match for them in a rescue or shelter then I think they should adopt it. If they do not find a match or choose to go to a responsible breeder instead, then that's what they should do. ALL of the dogs/puppies need homes and they need to find the right dog for THEM no matter where it comes from.

    Wow Robyn! I couldn't have said it better if i tried. Just, wow! 🙂 Great explaination. Took the words from my mouth only you explained them like a gazillion times better than how i could have worded it. Im not good with that. but honestly, thats exactly how i feel about it too. Thank you for the post!

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