This is why I hope that Debbi will contact me, and maybe even Vickie,so she can get a clear picture of what happened to cause this dog to bite, and the circumstances that led Vickie to decide to euthanize him.
Frankly, I am amazed that the vet put himself, the owners past, present and future, and the dog in this situation. And I am saddened to tell you that this is not the only time this vet has done this, he seems to think he knows the dog better than the owners…
Personally, I DO NOT want to see this dog euthanized, partly because I have known him most of his life, and partly because I believe that he could thrive in the right situation....and because I know first hand he can be sweet, sweet, sweet. And unfortunately because I already have two males who hate each other, I can't possibly add another one.